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Basco had the highest number of registered births

The total number of registered births in the province of Batanes in the first semester of 2024 was 98 births, lower by nine births from 107 registered births in the first semester of 2023. Among the six municipalities of the province, Basco recorded the highest number of registrations with 81 births which is equivalent to 82.7 percent of the total registered births. However, only 53 births or 54.1 percent of the mothers reported Basco as their 
usual place of residence.

In contrast, Ivana recorded the lowest number of births by place of occurrence, with only two births or 2.0 percent, while nine births or 9.2 percent of mothers identified Ivana as their usual place of residence. (Table 1)

In terms of changes, the municipality of Basco registered the highest decrease with a difference of 12 births from 93 births in the first semester of 2023 to 81 births in the 
first semester of 2024.

Conversely, Sabtang recorded the highest increase, with five births in the first semester of 2024 compared to three births in the first semester of 2023, reflecting an increase of two births. The municipalities of Itbayat, Ivana, and Mahatao maintained their figures, with no changes in the number of registered births between the two periods. (Figure 1 and Table 2)


Most births were registered in January

Most births in the first semester of 2024 were registered in the month of January which had 23 births or 23.5 percent. The least number of registered births were recorded in the month of March which had eight births or 8.2 percent. On the other hand, in the first semester of 2023, most births were also registered in January, which had 24 births or 22.4 percent while least births were registered in the month of June with nine births or 8.4 percent.

Among the months, June showed the most notable increase with 18 births in the first semester of 2024 compared to nine births in the first semester of 2023, reflecting an increase of nine births. Conversely, March had the most significant decline, with only eight births in the first semester of 2024 compared to 16 births in the first semester of 2023, showing a decrease of eight births. (Figure 2 and Table 3)

Most babies were born of unmarried mothers
Out of the 98 registered births in the first semester 2024 there were 57.1 percent or 56 births born “out of wedlock” and only 42.9 percent or 42 births were legitimate. This shows that a higher proportion of births were registered as illegitimate compared to legitimate ones.    (Figure 3 and Table 4).


Male and female births had even distribution

In the first semester 2024, registered births between male and female newborns were evenly distributed. This resulted in an exact sex parity, with each sex comprising 50.0 percent of the total registered births (Figure 4 and Table 5).

The sex distribution of births in Batanes showed notable variations between place of occurrence and place of usual residence across municipalities. In Basco, more females were born by place of occurrence with 42 births than males with 39 births, and the same trend was observed in the place of usual residence of the mother, with 28 females and 25 males. Ivana had no male births by place of occurrence and only two female births. Meanwhile, the place of usual residence of the mother indicated a higher number of female births, with five births compared to four male births. (Table 6)


Most births were registered on time

In terms of timeliness of registration, 79.6 percent or 78 births were registered on time in the first semester of 2024 while the remaining 20.4 percent or 20 births were registered late. (Figure 5 and Table 7) 


Most mothers gave birth at ages 25 to 29 years old

The distribution of registered births by the age group of mothers in Batanes shows that the highest number of births occurred among mothers aged 25 to 29 years old, with 24 births or 24.5 percent. Meanwhile, mothers aged 15 to 19 years old and 40 to 44 years old both posted the least registered births with only seven births or 7.1 percent. Moreover, there were seven births or 7.1 percent that were registered under unknown age reported due to late registration. (Figure 6 and Table 8).

The comparison between the place of occurrence and the usual place of residence of the mother reveals key trends. Basco consistently recorded the highest number of births in both categories, with 49 illegitimate and 32 legitimate births by place of occurrence, and 36 illegitimate and 17 legitimate births by usual residence. Conversely, Ivana had the lowest number of births in both categories, with just one legitimate and one illegitimate birth by place of occurrence, and higher figures of four legitimate and five illegitimate births by usual residence, suggesting that some Ivana mothers give birth outside their municipality. (Table 9 and Table 10) 


Most newborns had a birth weight of 2,500 grams or above

Birth weight serves as a measure of the nutritional status of newborns. Low birth weight is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as weight at birth less than 2,500 grams (5.5 lbs.).

Of the total number of 98 birth registrations in the first semester 2024, 76 babies or 77.6 percent were recorded above the defined low birth weight which indicates that most babies were born with normal weight. Meanwhile, 11 babies or 11.2 percent were born with weights below 2,500 grams. Moreover, there were 11 babies or 11.2 percent whose weight were not stated due to late registration. (Figure 7 and Table 11)


Most registered births were attended by health professionals

In the first semester of 2024, out of the 98 registered births recorded, 82 births or 83.7 percent were attended by health professionals which may either be a physician, midwife or nurse. A total of 77 births by place of occurrence and 49 births by usual residence were delivered with the assistance of health professionals.

Meanwhile, there were 16 late registered births or 16.3 percent which were attended by traditional birth attendants or “hilot” and others. Sabtang had the highest number of births attended by traditional birth attendants with five births in both place of occurrence and usual residence of the mother. (Figure 8 and Table 12).


Most registered births were first and second-born babies
The distribution of registered births by birth order for the first semester of 2024 shows that the highest number of births was recorded for both first and second-born children, with 30 births or 30.6 percent each.

In contrast, the lowest number of births was recorded for eighth-born children, with only one birth, representing 1.0 percent. No births were registered for ninth-born and tenth and over birth orders. (Figure 9 and Table 13).


Vital Statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register.  

The data on vital statistics presented in this release were obtained from the Certificates of Live Birth (Municipal Form 102) that were registered, either timely or delayed, at the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrars and subsequently submitted for encoding to the Office of the Civil Registrar General through the Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The information presented includes provisional vital events that occurred from January 2024 to June 2024 based on data files received by the PSA – Batanes Provincial Statistical Office. Thus, the figures presented herein are still preliminary and may differ from the final count.


Birth is a complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached; each product of such a birth is considered live born.

Place of Occurrence refers to the place where the vital event took place.



Chief Statistical Specialist


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