An agreed rule or guideline on how one or more parts of the statistical business process should be carried out, conforming with requirements for professionalism (Source: Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) Content-oriented Guidelines, 2009)
Any word or phrase used in statistical work; the term being defined may be an indicator or concept from which statistics can be generated. (Source: PSA Internal Guidelines in the Formulation of Standard Concepts and Definitions for Statistical Purposes, 2015)
The description or meaning of the term or concept. Usually, this is an operational definition rather than a conceptual definition. (Source: PSA Internal Guidelines in the Formulation of Standard Concepts and Definitions for Statistical Purposes, 2015)
Theory and methods of data collection, processing, dissemination and analysis (Source: UNECE Classification of Statistical Activities – CSA Rev. 1, 2009)
A set of discrete, exhaustive and mutually exclusive observations, which can be assigned to one or more variables to be measured in the collation and/or presentation of data. These are used to collect and organize information into categories with other similar pieces of information. (Source: United Nations Glossary of Classification Terms, 2013)